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What is Coaching?

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. Professional coaching is an interactive process that helps individuals and organizations improve their performances and achieve extraordinary results.


Dr Anthony Grant defined Coaching as "a goal-directed, results-oriented, systematic process in which one person facilitates sustained change in another individual or group through fostering the self-redirected learning and personal growth of the coachee."


The above definitions describes what Coaching is but misses the true essence of Coaching, that is, to help you clarify your life purpose, empower you to actualize your greatest potential in life. Coaching serves to help you uncover the unlimited, sometimes, undiscovered power that lies deep within YOU.


Sometimes people may confuse between what is Coaching and Counselling. There are much similarities as there are differences. 


When we look at the processes, both Coaching and Counselling are very similar, they focus on You. Both Coaching and Counselling tries to identify a common goal or goals that you want to achieve and through the application of listening, questioning and also other intervention techniques, helps you to achieve your goals. 


What differs between the two primarily lies in the assumptions especially held by the Coach and the focus in the sessions. Most of the time, Counselling spends much time and effort looking at the "problems" and understand the effects that "problems" have on the individual and his/her life as well as relationships. So, it is very much studying the cause and the effects of a particular problem. Coaching on the other hand, tend to look at the outcome that the individual hopes to achieve and collaborate with the coachee to discover, co-create and generate the strategies needed to achieve the outcome. 


Therefore, being a Professional Coach and Accredited Counsellor, Mou Nyee will be able to apply the skills, techniques and knowledge he has acquired in both Coaching and Counselling to bring about the outcome, sometimes beyond your imagination. 

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