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"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart"

Mou Nyee has varied working experience. He started his career in a family service centre (FSC) where he worked primarily with youths and parents, and over time, he also started to provide relationship counselling to couples and families. He was also a school-based counsellor for two secondary schools.  In addition, he was involved in providing training and family life education (FLE) talks to organizations.


Apart from the experience of working with mainstream population, he also has experience working with people with disabilities (PWDs), healthcare sector working with the elderly and their caregivers as well as providing counselling to university students with mental health issues. 


Mou Nyee is a proven leader and manager. He developed a youth project for a group of youths on probation to achieve the prestigious National Youth Achievement Award together with his team. The project was successful and was scaled up to apply to various schools. He also lead a team of 24 staff as the department manager and also offers clinical supervision to both students as well as staff in the organization. 

Call me for a chat! 


Professional Experience

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